What is the Simplest Secret?
And How Can it Help Us Get What We Want?
A simple secret Lanny learned in college changed his life – and it can change yours, too! Whether in business or in your personal life, faithfully applying this secret will dramatically improve your relationships.
How Do You Make Cold Calling Fun?
And Actually Be Successful at the Same Time?
Cold calling is the most hated of all sales activities. It took me years to figure out how to make cold calling fun AND to be successful at it...and it's much easier than I ever thought it would be!
How Do You Harness The Power of Engagement?
And Why is it So Important to Engage Others?
Think back to a conversation when you and the person you were talking to were completely engaged, enjoying the chat so much you lost track of time. Is it really possible to have those type of conversations all the time? Especially when the other person is not that interesting?
What are the Questions that Open People Up?
And Why Does it Matter How You React?
Asking the right questions can lead to an open and productive conversation. Asking the wrong questions can result in an awkward, unsatisfying situation. Knowing how and what to ask makes all the difference.
How Do You Make the Gatekeeper Your Best Friend Forever?
And Why is it a Good Idea?
Getting stopped by the Gatekeeper isn't always a bad thing -- it can work to your advantage if you're able to turn a perceived rejection into a friendship.
Why is it Important to Be Considerate?
And How Does That Help Get Us What We Want?
With so many people anxious to show their displeasure with others, being considerate has never been more important -- personally and professionally.
Why is an Enthusiastic Greeting So Important?
And How Can it Change Everything?
You can change the course of a conversation, a decision, or an outcome simply by the level of enthusiasm you show when you're greeting someone. Changing the world begins with an enthusiastic greeting!
Why Do You Have to Be Honest?
And What Can Happen if You're Not?
Honesty isn't the best policy, it's the only policy if you want to keep the respect and trust of your customers. Misleading advertising, while not being directly dishonest, can lead to a drop in credibility and the loss of business.
Help! How Do We Stop Losing Customers?
And Why Are the Little Things So Important?
Many times businesses lose customers over a broken relationship without any warning and seemingly without reason. Usually, it's not one big leak that sinks your business relationships but many small ones. How do you figure out which leaks are sinking your ship and then find a way to fix them?
Your Questions. My Perspective. Part One.
Try. Ask Questions. Get Ideas. Repeat as Necessary.
I give my perspective on the questions that have been sent in to my website, like "On a cold call, should I use a script?" Have a question? Go to my home page or respond on YouTube.
Your Questions. My Perspective. Part Two.
Try. Ask Questions. Get Ideas. Repeat as Necessary.
I give my perspective on the questions that have been sent in to my website, like "What's the Best Time of Day to Make a Cold Call?" Have a question? Go to my home page or respond on YouTube.